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Featured Partnerships and Events

We are committed to the transformative power of collaboration and continual progress. We are excited to showcase our featured partners, who are leaders in their respective fields, and to highlight the upcoming events we will be participating in.

These activities underscore our dedication to making a significant impact through active engagement.

Our commitment is to build substantial connections within the industry. We invite you to join us as we collaborate with premier organizations and market leaders, uncovering new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Events and fairs we are attending

Sun 19

Sun Jan 19 - Sun Jan 19

Fanehallen/Artilleriloftet, Akershus festning, Norway


Professional Seminar on Sanitary Experiences from Ukraine.

NROF's Sanitary Committee is organizing a professional seminar on sanitary experiences from Ukraine in Fanehallen at Akershus Fortress on January 19, 2025. There will be lectures, workshops and a panel debate.

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Mon 24

Mon Feb 24 - Wed Feb 26

Nürnberg, Germany

Enforce Tac

Meeting Point for the Security and Defence Industry.

The international trade fair for internal and external security is both a key business event and an emotional industry gathering. It serves as a meeting place and a platform for strategic positioning.

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Blog esential intel enforce tac
Tue 20

Tue Aug 20 - Wed Aug 21

Ballerup, Denmark

DALO Industry days

The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) hereby invites you to the 12th DALO Industry Days at Ballerup Super Arena. Once again, it will be bigger than ever.

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Tue 27

Tue Aug 27 - Wed Aug 28

Akershus Festning, Oslo, Norway

FSi messa

A unique opportunity to meet the most important Norwegian defense companies and suppliers of solutions for the Armed Forces, the Police and other security and emergency agencies. Nearly 70 companies from suppliers of advanced weapons systems to start-ups are represented.

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Teknologidager hv 2022 2f
Wed 10

Wed Sep 10 - Fri Sep 12

Excel, London, UK


Providing a Pivotal Platform for the Global Defence Industry.

DSEI is a pivotal event for the global defence industry. As the flagship defence event for the UK, DSEI promotes the UK’s defence ethos, agenda and leadership while encouraging opportunity and cooperation with our global allies. ​

The world’s leading defence organisations and most influential stakeholders rely on DSEI’s unique ability to bring the right people together, at the same time. We craft exceptional experiences that accelerate connections that count.​

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Fri 7

Fri Nov 7 - Sun Nov 9

Sundsvall, Sweden

Tactical Trauma

This is an international conference covering various aspects of working in high-stakes environments, primarily related to pre-hospital trauma and critical care, with a tactical twist.

Event website not yet available.

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Tactical Trauma